This is a great day for Pennsylvania’s environment. With this funding, we can continue to preserve valuable open space and farmland, and clean up areas of the state already damaged by irresponsible environmental stewardship. Our children and grandchildren will benefit from the work we did here today. – Rep. Bill Adolph
Quote Rendell, Edward 1
Securing this investment today will keep Pennsylvania ‘growing greener’ well into the future. We are entrusted as the stewards of our environment, and have a moral obligation to leave our soil, water and air in better condition than we found it for future generations. Growing Greener II embraces the priorities that all of us share […]
Quote – Ridge, Tom 1
“Our Constitution gives Pennsylvanians the right to clean air, to pure water, and to the preservation of the natural, scenic, historic and esthetic values of the environment. We have a constitutional obligation to leave ‘Penn’s Woods’ better than we found them—and today we act decisively to fulfill it.” — Governor Tom Ridge