Warrior’s Mark Run is a stream in Huntingdon County (classified as a high-quality coldwater fishery) that has been polluted by grazing cows from nearby farms; cow manure overloads the water with nutrients, disrupting aquatic ecosystems and killing fish and other animals. Funding from the Environmental Stewardship Fund enabled the Huntingdon County Conservation District (HCCD) […]
Protecting 1,600 Acres Along Blue Mountain
In 2018, a grant from the Environmental Stewardship Fund helped The Nature Conservancy (TNC) permanently conserve 1,600 acres in Perry County that was in danger of being turned into a housing development. The property is located along Blue Mountain, which stretches across Pennsylvania from the Maryland border to New Jersey. The iconic ridgeline is […]
Forrest R. Mellott Sports Complex
Southern Fulton County is known for its gently rolling hills and expansive farms and pastures. The area’s rich agricultural history has traditionally lent itself to an abundance of open space and few venues for organized sports. Recognizing this deficiency, in 2000 the Southern Fulton School District commissioned a private consulting firm to determine the feasibility […]
Making Local Watershed Protection Possible
The Environmental Stewardship Fund provides funding for watershed specialists in every county in Pennsylvania. The two-year grants enable conservation districts to plan watershed restoration and stream improvement projects with the knowledge that funding for these key positions is secure. “Local efforts are absolutely essential to the Growing Greener partnership,” said Ed Rendell, former governor of […]
Miller Run AMD Treatment
When the Shoup’s Run Watershed Association was founded in 1998, Shoup’s Run and its major tributary, Miller Run, were on the list of Pennsylvania’s impaired waters. They had problems with flooding and erosion, were polluted from acid mine drainage, and contained very little aquatic life. But hidden in this impacted watershed was an ecological gem. […]